I went to yoga class this morning and when I walked out of the house a gush of cold (not freezing) wind almost blew me away. It's a good thing I squeezed my mouth shut or else bugs would most probably be flying all over the place. Poor bugs, getting blown away by the wind. haha.
My sister thrifted this jacket for me last year, which means that she bought the jacket from the thrift store and when it didn't her (because it was too big) she gave it to me. I would barely where anything else besides this jacket throughout Bahrain's 'Autumn' days. I emphasize on the word autumn because Bahrain doesn't have autumn in her weather calendar, I just like to believe she does.
I paired the jacket with this black chiffon button up, light blue jeans, and black boots seemed the perfect outfit choice with how was I was feeling that day, which was a little grudgy.
How is everyone feeling today?
Feeling great I hope. :)

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