Our toastmasters club; Young Adult Toastmasters, always go all out during halloween themed meetings. By all out I don't mean, fake cobwebs, black velvet cloth draped over the windows, or that real scary stuff. I mean the cheap DIY stuff that everyone can afford because our club is to cheap to spend over 10BD ($27) on anything.
We all know halloween is just around the corner and it's always fun to bring out that scary halloween stuff and start decorating every inch of your house before the month ends. Here are a few items of simple cheap halloween decor that can be used for inspiration if you ever feel like getting into the halloween festivities. Wooooo *swooshes around like a ghost*
I spent hours, okay not hours, just like a couple of hours, slaving over cutting paper, measuring, drawing and crafting the signs and small simple halloween decor for our first Halloween themed meeting of the year.
After scrolling through pinterest trying to figure our how to make the "Happy Halloween sign", I found one I could copy off of get inspiration out of. It's this Halloween Sign, a very creative concept I must say, fitting Happy Halloween into one line.
To make this banner, I used a black cartolina paper and drew over it with chalk. It takes a few strokes of the chalk for the writings to thicken but it works.
I even made a simple garland with cut out pumpkins, bats, and ghosts that I just stuck onto the back of a meter of string, and hung them around the room.

With the remaining cut out pieces from the garland, we just pasted them on the walls around the room to bring the plain boring white walls so life.
A few simple signs that was stuck all the way up to the meeting room. I wanted it to give out the same sense as the signs on Splash mountain in Disney World. There was sign that said "Last chance to turn back" and I remember thinking/screaming to myself, "okay you can go back, but if you do you'll regret it, just do it! DO IT!!!"
Oh and the wonderful snacks. Again, I scrolled through pinterest and found these recipes: Finger sandwiches & Witch Hats.
For the finger sandwiches, I just rolled out the slices of bread with a rolling pin (to flatten and make it easier to roll), and spread one side with either cream cheese or PB&J, then rolled it up and cut off the sides of the top to make it look pointy, then pressed down the almonds on the pointy end and you're done!
For the witch hats, I just used some digestive cookies, heresies kisses, and betty corkers ready made vanilla icing.
I added a bit of the icing into a bowl along with some food coloring and mixed it up. I then added about a nickel dollop on the chocolate side of the cookie and squeezed the kisses on the icing until some oozed out.
I know mine doesn't look too pinterest worthy, but whatever, I tried and people ate it. That's all the matters. Plus Bahrain's humidity and heat didn't help much, it tried to melt everything!
An outfit post for this meeting will be up soon!
Have a great Monday everyone!
And Eid Mubarak to my muslim readers!

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