Mid-Year and Feeling Fabulous!

June 11, 2015

I'm gradually putting the pieces of my days back together. Making schedules, keeping to those schedules. Remembering my goals and taking on every opportunity that gets me closer to those goals. It's already June. We're half way into the year and it hella scares me to think of how much I've gotten done this year. How much of my New Years resolution did I tick off? How far have you gotten with your resolutions?

Okay. Let's not panic. It's going to be good. It will all be good. Let's not worry or think about all the things we need to accomplish. Let's all just sit back and enjoy every moment of the year. You see something that sparks an interest in you; a dish, an event, a person, go for it. Breathe in and just go for it. What's stopping you anyway?

A little bit about the outfit. Since it's scorching hot here in Bahrain, and most probably everywhere else in the world, I busted out this sleeveless button up that I bought while I was in Dubai for the Toastmaster conference last weekend – which went quite well, these conferences are always fun to go to. I paired the button up with my floral leggings which I adore to death because they're super comfy and my black flats. And, of course, I topped this look off with the an aura of fabulosity, which one should never forget to bring out the door with them. With the feeling of fabulosity comes the feeling of confidence and power to take on absolutely anything. 

| Button up, Shoes, Necklace - H&M | Leggings - Thrifted | 
| Cardigan - Forever 21 | Bag - Secosana
Photo creds: Najla Qamber

So feel fabulous, darlings. 
Live, enjoy, and take on the things that make your heart flutter. Go for it!

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