It's almost the end of January! Damn... Okay, don't panic. It's only 11 months until the year ends, so we still have time to tick off some points on those New Years resolutions.
I couldn't think of a better way to mark off January 2015, than to remember and appreciate the little things that we grew to love and enjoy during this first month of the year – despite the fact that it is still January 30th...I care not for technicalities. No judgement, y'all.
From challenges and busy schedules to relaxing and meditating. Here are a few things I enjoyed this January:

Mark'schedule ®
To me, one of the best things about New Years is the band new calendars. I bought this calendar from Kinokuniya in Dubai Mall last summer. This calendar is so pretty, clean, and new, that it got me excited for this upcoming year. I'm slowly filling it up with events, birthdays, and toastmasters meetings.
You can buy the calendar at here, BUT, the entire site is in Japanese. So unfortunate if you can't read and understand Japanese, but there is always google translate. That's what I used to manuver around the site.
This is a new thing I started doing, instead of crossing out the day when it ends, I began to tick them off. It gives me the sense of accomplishment for getting through the day. Is that weird?

Twinings Herbal Selection
Teas have become my sanctuary this month. After a stressful morning, I would begin my afternoon with a nice cup of peppermint tea. This Herbal Selection has a little something for different hours of the day. In the mornings we can have Peppermint & Nettle or Lemon & Ginger, in the afternoon you can settle down with Enchinacea & Raspeberry or Pure Peppermint, and by the end of the day you can relax with a nice warm cup of Camomile, Honey, & Vanilla.
I need to grab another box of this selection, mine is going fast.
30 Days of Yoga with Yoga with Adriene
This practice is amazing. I'm on day 12 now, and I feel so energized, calm, relaxed, and I feel like I can take on anything. Adriene from Yoga with Adriene, duh, is an amazing instructor. She's funny, she's laid back, and she knows, understands, and adores the yoga practice. Her instructions are so easy to follow and detailed that you won't even look at the video half the time.
I'm enjoying this 30 Days of Yoga with Adriene because she starts from the beginning. So if you just started out or decide to continue after a long break, this is the perfect way for you to get back in touch with your yoga practice, plus the 30 day countdown kind of forces you to do this everyday.
You can check out the Yoga with Adriene website to grab your 30 Day calendar and find what feels good.
Do you guys have a planner? A cool new calendar that you just love to scribble on?
Have y'all taken up a fitness challenge before? What was it?
Tell me, I'd love to hear read about it!

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