Blogmas Day 6
A bunch of us went to a Barbecue that was hosted by Bahrain's dog father, Tony. It was the first time any of us went to an BBQ without knowing at least half the people attending – well it was the first for me. It can get pretty awkward just standing around, looking at other people conversing, while you're just sipping your drink. Awkward and lonely. I'm glad we went in a group.
We spent most of our time with the animals. Giving them treats, petting them, and going "awwwh" every now and then like the girls we are. It felt peaceful being around all the dogs, cats, and other animals Tony cares for. It was nice giving the animals treats and getting attacked by them – like literally, once the treats came out, all the cats and/or dogs attacked.
I decided to go for something very casual and warm-ish, since I know I'll be touching cats and dogs all day. And since I didn't want to bring anything fancy, just incase something happens, I brought the tote I bought from the last time I went to the Philippines – like three years ago.
| Top - H&M | Cardigan - |
| Jeans - Bershka | Shoes - H&M | Tote - Ocean Park, Philippines |
Photo Creds: Najla Qamber
Check out Tony's website if you are thinking of visiting his shelter or thinking of adopting a furry cat or a lively dog.
Have a jolly day everyone!

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