's December 1st tomorrow. How is everyone feeling about the end of the year coming up? I still can't believe it's almost 2015. Darn, where did the time go?
While I was scrolling through tumblr this morning – which has recently been apart of my morning routine – I found this word. Blogmas. I know what Vlogmas is, but Blogmas? I just laughed and said YES! Totally! It sounds super fun so I'll do it. I've always enjoyed watching Youtubers do vlogmas, they get so festive with their outfits, jobs, music, etc. Blogmas would be something similar.
For those who are unfamiliar with these terms. Blogmas is when bloggers post Christmas or winter related posts every single day until Christmas day. Vlogmas is the exact same thing but for Youtubers – so it's videos instead of text.
What to expect from this years Blogmas?
I won't be giving it all away, I want to surprise ya'll, but I will be doing some DIYs, fun book posts, fashion, and perhaps food? We'll see.
Until tomorrow folks!
Have a lovely day! :)

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