Chat Love by Justine Faeth
Genre: Romance, Contemporary
City girl Lucia is having trouble finding a man. With a few nudges from her friends, she decides to try out Chat Love, an online dating service for New Yorkers. Hilarity ensues with one disastrous date after another…where do these men come from? Mars? Certainly not Manhattan! She finally meets someone from work who is almost perfect, but decides to move on as he’s still seeing other women. She keeps in contact with a man named Jack on the Chat Love site. Could he be the one? What about her love interest at work? Just like the lovable cast of characters from Sex and the City, Lucia is Carrie, a stylish woman who has found her “Mr. Big” but can’t seem to get him to commit. Danni is Samantha, who loves to have fun and is wild and promiscuous. Autumn is Charlotte, desperate to meet the right man and settle down. Skyler is Miranda, level-headed and quick to offer advice. Will these ladies ever find love? Will Lucia find her man? Chat Love will give you something to talk about! - Goodreads
Lucia is in search of her special someone in the big city of New York. With her family pestering her to find someone, and being convinced by her friends to join an online dating website, she goes to multiple dates, whilst flirting and lusting over her co-worker, Jackson. There is obviously a huge spark between Lu and Jackson, but she is blinded by the fact that he can be a complete asshole whenever they're in the same room.Chat love is the type of book I would read back when I was still in high school and all the way through college. It's simple, easy to read, funny, and romantic. One of my favorite combinations.
The book instantly caught my attention. I would find myself not wanting to leave the house because I wanted to just sit and read. Though I took forever to finish it, it did feel very much unputdownable. Lu and her friends are very compelling, with how they act and what they'd say. Just as the summary had said, it is very much like Sex and the City. Instead of imagining are dark haired italian woman, there were times when I would imagine Sarah Jessica Parker running down the streets of New York hailing a cab.
Chat love is a compelling, romantic, hilarious, easy and fun read! I recommend it to those who enjoy reading books written by Sophie Kinsella, Carole Matthews, and to those who enjoy reading contemporary romance and chick lit.
I am so glad that Justine herself approached me and asked if I would like to review her book. Thank you Justine! I loved it!
Buy it now on Amazon
Have a wonderful day everyone!

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