I flew to Oman for a District Toastmaster Annual Conference (DTAC) with some of the members from our toastmaster club. The conference and our hotel was at the Al Bustan Palace, Ritz Carlton; fancy I know. We all wanted to attend our first toastmaster conference overseas to see all those competing in the contests, to learn and be inspired by the workshops, to meet new people, and of course for the awesome giveaways. It was just a four day trip, and now I'm back and writing this post four days after I got home.
We took an early flight and as much as I don't mind early morning flights, but it just ruins my sleeping pattern. I was relatively calm during the boarding and taxi process of it all, but as we went on to the actual take off, I suddenly freaked out. Like literally eyes-shut-crunched-fists-and-trembling-all-over kind of freaked out.
I wanted to write about how the take off and landing was the best parts of flying, and I didn't say that it wasn't, I wanted to write something poetic, but noooo...once the plane started to take off, the poet in me died. The reason to this is probably because I only fly a few times every two years. I don't know why specifically every two years, it just came to be.
Other than that, all was calm and well. no nausea, no panic attacks. Thankfully the plane landed so smoothly. But I now suddenly worry about my trip to Florida on August. can't we just teleport everywhere? it'll make things so much easier for the softhearted.
| Bag - Charles and Keith | Shoes - Paprika |
Creds to my sister for the Photos :)
I wore this outfit during day 1 of DTAC, and despite the casual stares of curiosity from people, it was all pretty fun. Plus, we had a little walk by the beach, and enjoyed the nice cool and slightly humid weather during lunchen.

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