Blogmas Day 15
10 days until Christmas Day!

When I was a little younger and much more immature than I am now. My aspirations caved towards culinary – a pâtissière to be more exact. And through those years when I worked and thrived hard in my kitchen trying to perfect a simple cookie or cupcake recipe, I devised my very own simple chewy sugary cookie recipe that is has been with me ever since – well, ever since I found it. It was around Christmas time when I perfected this recipe – the exact date isn't clear to me at this moment, but I recall feeling quite chilled in my warm kitchen.
From that Christmas on, I have made these cookies every year as my own sort of tradition for when the air gets colder.
These cookies can not only be made during winter but are ideally for summer time. They're bright, fun, and sugary.
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of sugar (either white or brown)
1 eggs; well beaten
1/4 cup of milk
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1 3/4 cup flour
1. Beat butter until creamy and smooth
2. Add in the sugar and mix until fully blended

3. In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking power. Set aside.

4. Back to the butter mixture, add in the beaten eggs and vanilla.
5. Add in a little bit of the flour mixture into the batter, then add a little bit of the milk. Alternate between the flour and milk.

6. Optional: You can either keep it plain and later decorate with royal icing or add a little extra M&M's or chocolate chips or butter scotch chips to give it twice the amount of flavor and a little bit of crunch.

7. Put about a walnut size – or whatever size you want – of dough onto a baking sheet. Make sure to leave about half an inch apart because these things spread.

8. Put them in the oven at about 160 degrees for about 15 minutes, or until edges become golden brown. Keep watch on it or set a timer every 5 minutes if you get paranoid like I do.

Leave them to cool for about 10 minutes and they're be ready to eat. Enjoy!

Do you have your own holiday tradition? Let me know, I'd love to hear that I'm not the only crazy one about traditions out there.
Have a jolly day everyone!
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