October Favorites 2014

November 1, 2014
Happy all souls day everyone! 

Last month I've been eating quite a lot, which is bad for the size of my body but pretty good for my emotions and cravings. But one of the only things I've been madly craving for are these Campbells Short Bread Cookies. They are literally the most delicious short bread cookies ever. They are so buttery and quite filling, it's a perfect biscuit that goes with a nice cup of eat. mmm.

This Green hoodie that I got from H&M is one of the things I would grab before I leave the house. I've been wearing everywhere with absolutely anything. It's the hoodie I wear when I run errands or meet up with my friends for a cup of starbucks coffee. It's pretty comfy and warm, and despite the still-not-cold Bahrain, I would wear this out nonetheless as a form of trying to induce cold air. 

And finally my DIY Bunting. I found the template of this bunting over at Ella Claire and tweaked it a bit by adding a floral background onto the letters. This bunting is one of the things that kept me solid throughout last month. I would look at it and see how pretty it looked on my wall and it would just calm me down. I love it. 

That's it for my favorites last month. 
What are your October favorites. Link it up in the comments, I've love to know! :)


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