Last weekend, a bunch of us went to celebrate the summer weather at Al Dar islands. That's a 10-15 minutes boat ride from the small island of Bahrain to a smaller hoookah shaped island of Al Dar. That's right, the island is shaped like a hookah pipe.
Al Dar islands was officially open to the public back in 2007. And it honestly just feels like a couple of years. I didn't officially hear about the island until a few years back when so much random hype gathered one year. I was probably kept out of the loop on this one.
We arrived at the main Al Dar office relatively early and being grateful that there wasn't much of a crowd at the time, it took a few minutes of waiting before we got a ride to the dock to catch the next boat to the island. The ride to the island was as bumpy and swooshy as every boat ride. It was fun and the scenery was beautiful, well not as beautiful as other seascapes but beautiful enough for this tiny island. I felt a little odd and stunned seeing my simple boring country that I call home, from another island.
15 minutes and a bulk of tangled hair strands later, we got to the tiny island of Al Dar. It was hot, and all I wanted to do was take off my dress and get my feet in the water.

| Dress & Shorts - Philippines | Bikini - New Look | Tank - Forever 21
I decided to wear a halter dress I bought from the Philippines over my bikini. And being the slightly conservative middle eastern woman that I am, I wore shorts and tank on top of my bikini for swimming, more like standing in the water.
I give it 3.5 pretty flowers. Because it wasn't as good as other beaches I've been to, but it was the best one I've seen in Bahrain. I would definitely go back there.
Oh one more thing I just want to put out there, there were nice eye candy playing volleyball in the water right in front of us. It felt like Samantha from Sex and the City, staring at those sweet white boys and their biceps and abs...Please excuse indecent remarks...
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